Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Sunny Day In April

"Meditating is a warm up exercise for the mind, so that you can jog through the rest of the day without getting agitated or spraining your patience."
~Eknath Easwaran~

After a long break from writing on my blog, on this sunny day  I have decided to continue my journey of thoughts about yoga, mandala and life. Experiences of growth,
love and pain all mixed together are my motivation to share!

Spring is here and all of my students are practicing diligently and finding their own growth on the mat and in their lives. They always awaken a feeling of courage in me to move forward on my own path.

This week we are practicing Ahimsa. On an extreme level Ahimsa translates as non-harming and non-killing. On a more subtle level it means to have no angry, harmful or judgmental  thoughts towards yourself or others. Often in the course of the day we criticize ourselves for things we do or don't do. We become impatient with ourselves on the mat, in the car or in any other areas we think we are not perfect. Some books tell us that we should first find compassion and loving, nonjudgmental thoughts for others. I believe that we need to start with ourselves. Being kind, thoughtful, loving and compassionate towards ourselves is a practice we can then convert towards other people and in other areas of our lives.

Practicing Ahimsa brings awareness to our daily lives on and off the mat.

So, I encourage my students to sit in stillness and be a witness and observer to the quality of  the thoughts that arise, staying present with them as they do.  

Be happy on this sunny day and treat yourself to some chocolate after your practice.

Love Sonja

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I am guided by my heart

A new beginning, giving myself permission to be!