Sunday, February 28, 2010

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task,

but it is my chief duty to accomlish small

tasks as if they were great and noble."

-Helen Keller-

Maintaining focus towards small acts of kindness and love towards others and myself attains clarity and cultivates patients, harmony and balance.

In a morning meditation, towards creating a Mandala, I received this turtle symbol. Turtles take their time to go from one destination to the other and have a calming, relaxing effect on others. They take their time and still reach their goals and end up where they need to be. In this moment of stillness I knew that I have to slow down, be more patient and take one step at the time. I know that, in this process I'll find the strength, power and joy to accomplish small tasks, returning to the love and kindness, also towards myself.

Peace and Light

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday February 15.

Explore daily the will of God.
C.G. Jung

My intention today is acceptance…..accepting what is, my life, my challenges and every moment. I feel freedom and peace growing inside, a positive gift for my spiritual growth.
Life embraced me with big arms as I came back from Mount Madonna. I started to approach everything with a different energy, more compassion and love. This inner light is always with me and I can always see it in everybody else. As I sat in the airports and waited for my plane, I observed a very high stress level in many people. So I just closed my eyes for a moment and send those people good energy.
Today I allow myself to stay in stillness a bit longer than usual even though I still have to prepare for my next yoga class. I recognize I always have a choice……a choice to accept or to suffer……

Tuesday February 16.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
-Thich Naht Hanh

Every day I get newly inspired by my students!

Being on the mat creating healing in the body and mind, finding a sacred place to be, to let go and just be. As we practice on the mat we dive deeper into our soul, finding oneness with what is. In the willingness to let go and releasing the chattering in the mind, doubts, fears and judgments, we learn to listen closely to our true inner voice, the voice of wisdom and truth.

The practice last night was so beautiful! Not because I was teaching and it had nothing to do with the sequence as well, no, it was purely the love and energy which was released by my students. The practice flowed and the whole room was glowing. They were radiating the heat and light, flowed easily from one pose to the other in alignment with mind, body and spirit. I’m very grateful for my students and their lights.

Peace Sonja

Monday, February 15, 2010

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

In the service of truly giving, is a selfless act without expectations of receiving something in return, it keeps us grounded and in the present moment. Also in this understanding I send out light, love and compassion to everybody in need.
As all my flights were canceled last week I ended up in Monterey, a beautiful small town in CA. It was a true gift to spend this day in stillness at the beach. As I listened to the sound of the ocean I found myself in a state of bliss. This silence in my mind was a real remedy of healing. Tears of gratitude for the beauty of this moment flowed effortlessly down my cheeks. I sat in stillness for a long time………….
Then I created this sand Mandala.
Love and Peace