Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mandala Workshop to invoke the Power to heal

Today I am in deep gratitude for all the people from the Hawthorn Cancer Institute, who attended the Sacred Mandala workshop to invoke the power to heal. It was an adventure for most of them and they participated in their own willingness and abilities towards their healing. I felt the camaraderie between them and it created a special energy, an energy filled with love and compassion. They felt safe and content amongst each other. As we meditated everything fell in place, and if there were any doubts or fears, it was released. I felt the sadness though from two woman who needed surgery the next day. The closing meditation was very beautiful and we all were very connected to each other and the source.

I came up against my own fear, self consciousness and perfectionism just a few days before the workshop. This created low energy and stifled the flow of the preparation. I meditated to find light and truth and to receive a symbol to create a Mandala before the workshop. Then I got this bird with big wings, which was flying towards the light. At that moment my fear lifted and it was replaced by pure joy and love. Birds mean freedom for me, freedom to fly and be free. To be free from suffering and not being contained by illness, or sadness. I knew then again that it is my journey to dedicate my life to help others, to find their truth and light inside. To find their voice so they can feel safe on their own journey. So they will notice their own transformation and change of energy when they are ready.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mandala Workshop invoking your inner light

In preparation for my Mandala workshop to invoke the light I sat in silence for a long time and received this beautiful symbol.

There is so much radiant light coming from the inside! This Mandala represents the Koshas, which are our different layers of our bodies. Our physical body, the very outer layer, seems so big. Is it even possible that this light can get trough all those layers? Is it possible to send this light and love to the people we love? Why is it then that we hurt even the ones we say we love? Where is the light then?

As I ponder about those questions, I look at the Mandala and know we are all light beings and we are all connected with each other. The only separations are our minds, and it is not with our light that we hurt each other it is with our minds. We are holding on to unnecessary patterns which cause our sufferings. If we can let go of fear, hatred, jealousy, greed and competition then we will be able to focus more internally.

In this Mandala the largest outer layer represents the physical body. I think because most of us pay more attention to the very outer layer than to the rest of our body. It is what we see and what we know. With the practice of silence we learn to pay more attention to our next inner layer the energy body. We are able to listen more and bring more awareness to our being. The next layer our mental body provides us with is more awareness to our thoughts and emotions. In the next layer we are able to witness the transformation of the higher mind and develop understanding of wisdom and intuition. The bliss body, our most inner layer is true joy and peace. The light within is where we connect to our true source. It is this very light we are all longing for, which frees our minds from suffering.

The light and love during this Mandala workshop has truly been shining! I am in deep gratitude for all the participants for their light and peace.


"Loka samastah sukhino bhavantu."
May all beings discover peace, love, and true happiness.