Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mandala Retreat in St. Louis, Garondelet

In the world of religion and philosophy the practice of silenc plays
a most vital part. It creates an atmosphere and enables the seeker
to find access to an inner sanctuary entirely hidden from the restless and turbulent material world.” – Swami Paramanada

I am overwhelmed by the love, kindness and gentleness I received from all the participants and the team at the St.Louis Mandala Facilitation Retreat. As I reflect, bits and pieces stand out and my heart glows with gladness from this great gift.

I gained renewed spiritual growth on my path to oneness. It is as if my sail gained wind and I was pushed forward in the direction of renewal without noticing the speed with which I grew. I let myself be pushed along this course with an open mind and wind in my face.

The retreat was held at the convent Carondelet. I did not know what to expect, I thought it would be a building enclosed by a stonewall, just as convents in Switzerland are. It is a, beautiful majestic building. It is made out of bricks and one can see many windows from the outside walls. Upon my arrival at Carondelet I had to pause for just a moment, take a deep breath, observe and take it all in. The beauty, charm and construction were impressive. The convent was initially built in 1836 and was added on as the convent grew, until it became what it is now, with a beautiful backyard and a spectacular courtyard. The courtyard provides a safe haven for meditation, prayer and contemplation. Carondelet was the perfect mystical and spiritual location for the retreat. I felt welcome from all the members and the sisters!

Sand Mandala

The retreat was based on Christian Mystics and I was motivated to learn about them all. As I prepared and studied the Mystics, I created Mandalas and attained knowledge about Hildegard von Bingen, Francis de Sales, Meister Eckhart, Bede Griffiths, Anthony de Mello, Therese von Lisieux, Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, Mother Teresa, Catherine of Sienna, Teresa of Avila. Lisa Lazio, our leader, taught us something remarkable about their lives every day. I felt the connection we all have to each other and the Mystics. Together in silence and in stillness we created Mandalas. I was able to stay in touch with my center and growth happened in a very subtle way. I allowed myself to focus on God and spreading the love, joy and light to everyone around me. I kept myself in the present with all the things that bring me simple joy and ensured myself that I am in charge of my mind. I eradicated negativity, stress, worries and emotional pain.

The participants were very open to receive the yoga classes in the morning and it was a good start for a long day to bring balance to everybody’s center. There was a transformation from wonder to joy and trust as we were breathing and moving together. Unity was created not only in our minds and bodies but as a group of Mandala friends.

Namaste Sonja

1 comment:

  1. Sonja - Thank you for posting these reflections on our week at Carondelet. It was a beautiful week of peace, joy and connection. It would not have been the same without each day beginning with your yoga class to bring us to a place of center. Namaste`
