Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mandala Workshop "Healing the Heart"

My true religion, my simple faith is in love and compassion.
There is no need for complicated philosophy, doctrine, or dogma.
Our own heart, our own mind, is the temple. The doctrine is
compassion. Love for others and respect for their rights and dignity,
no matter who or what they are - these are ultimately all we need.”    
                  ~His Holiness Dalai Lama~

Opening the heart to a higher consciousness was the mission we set for the Mandala Workshop “Healing the Heart”. In silence and meditation we found a way deep inside to connect and see what is holding us back, to set us free. In this meditation and contemplation we were able to let go of some old pain, practice forgiveness and open up our hearts to a higher self, to love and compassion. In stillness, we found the healing. The energy the
women radiated was very powerful and
healing started to take place.

As we walk on our path there are many obstacles, which keep us back, prevent us from developing, or hinder us from becoming better human beings. There may be denial, fear, sadness, anger, hatred, jealousy, blame, judgment and frustration with which we have to deal. It clouds our minds and breeds more feelings of aggression. It feels like a turning wheel and at times it seems there is no way out. There can be so much poison in our minds that we might get sick or even terminally ill. The slightest anger affects our physical bodies as does every thought we think. How do we react when somebody brings blame or hatred towards us? Are we reacting towards that the same way? Or do we acknowledge their frustration and then respond in a kind and gentle way? Or do we just ignore the fact that they are angry? Mindfulness can put us in touch with the toxicity of the anger towards ourselves and others. With this mindfulness we are able to experience infinite joy and boundless freedom, which means we don’t have to react the same way. We are able to feel the joy in our hearts even while suffering.

Silence and meditation is necessary to see our true self, to accept who we are and to let go of fears, anger and sadness. It helps us to better focus, strengthens our concentration and keeps our attention on one single thing or object. In silence we find peace, harmony and a deep freedom. It connects us to our higher self, to our love and light and opens us up to our spirituality on the path to oneness. It is a return to our being, to the deepest roots, to the light, it is a return to God.

So there are no obstacles on our path, it is only the path, our journey back home.

With lots of love Sonja

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mandala Retreat in St. Louis, Garondelet

In the world of religion and philosophy the practice of silenc plays
a most vital part. It creates an atmosphere and enables the seeker
to find access to an inner sanctuary entirely hidden from the restless and turbulent material world.” – Swami Paramanada

I am overwhelmed by the love, kindness and gentleness I received from all the participants and the team at the St.Louis Mandala Facilitation Retreat. As I reflect, bits and pieces stand out and my heart glows with gladness from this great gift.

I gained renewed spiritual growth on my path to oneness. It is as if my sail gained wind and I was pushed forward in the direction of renewal without noticing the speed with which I grew. I let myself be pushed along this course with an open mind and wind in my face.

The retreat was held at the convent Carondelet. I did not know what to expect, I thought it would be a building enclosed by a stonewall, just as convents in Switzerland are. It is a, beautiful majestic building. It is made out of bricks and one can see many windows from the outside walls. Upon my arrival at Carondelet I had to pause for just a moment, take a deep breath, observe and take it all in. The beauty, charm and construction were impressive. The convent was initially built in 1836 and was added on as the convent grew, until it became what it is now, with a beautiful backyard and a spectacular courtyard. The courtyard provides a safe haven for meditation, prayer and contemplation. Carondelet was the perfect mystical and spiritual location for the retreat. I felt welcome from all the members and the sisters!

Sand Mandala

The retreat was based on Christian Mystics and I was motivated to learn about them all. As I prepared and studied the Mystics, I created Mandalas and attained knowledge about Hildegard von Bingen, Francis de Sales, Meister Eckhart, Bede Griffiths, Anthony de Mello, Therese von Lisieux, Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, Mother Teresa, Catherine of Sienna, Teresa of Avila. Lisa Lazio, our leader, taught us something remarkable about their lives every day. I felt the connection we all have to each other and the Mystics. Together in silence and in stillness we created Mandalas. I was able to stay in touch with my center and growth happened in a very subtle way. I allowed myself to focus on God and spreading the love, joy and light to everyone around me. I kept myself in the present with all the things that bring me simple joy and ensured myself that I am in charge of my mind. I eradicated negativity, stress, worries and emotional pain.

The participants were very open to receive the yoga classes in the morning and it was a good start for a long day to bring balance to everybody’s center. There was a transformation from wonder to joy and trust as we were breathing and moving together. Unity was created not only in our minds and bodies but as a group of Mandala friends.

Namaste Sonja

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Burning Ritual

What lies behind us and what lies before us

are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Walt Emerson

There is no effort to go into silence at the shore. I listen to the sounds around me… the waves crashing against the beach in a continuous rhythm, the rhythm of the ocean, the rhythm of life and the rhythm of my heart.
The rhythm of the heart is the way of life and courage. It is to live in insecurity, love and trust. It is to move into the unknown. It is leaving the past and allowing the future to be.

I reflect on my life at this moment, this time and this age. Sometimes in life we are presented with a piece of information or knowledge and we don’t accept it or don’t understand it until much later. This was for me so, as I got introduced to the Sacred Mandalas 30 years ago. I did not recognize or fathom how extremely powerful and transforming it is creating a Mandala until much later. That is the beauty of our journey, to listen, to trust, to keep working hard, and to learn, stepping forward and asking for help. This has provided me with wonder, beauty and happiness.

Starting to teach yoga and Sacred Mandalas was for me the beginning of myself developing and finding the seed first, in the darkest of moments and then building outward. It was the beginning of my journey into the unknown.

I’m all about spreading the love and light to others. That to me means spreading and celebrating our lives in the form of creativity, happiness, community, sharing and expanding our special strength as woman and people. That is truly the beauty in all of this to open up and listen to our own heart.

The woman who attended the series of the Sacred Mandala Workshops at the Life Long Learning Institute blossomed with their own love, light and great energy for life as they created their Mandalas. Before we started the process of the Mandalas we each wrote down on a piece of paper what we like to let go of. Maybe we needed to get rid of old pain, fear, envy, anger, resentment or other past experiences. We all put the little papers in a bowl and set it on fire as we chanted OM’s. I was the fire marshal to make sure nothing else got burned in the process! The whole energy was changing as the white smoke slowly proceeded to make its way towards the heavens, together with the eternal sound of OM. The burning ritual gave them the possibility to let go of past events and step lighter into the present moment to find the love they so longed for and to see their own beauty and light inside.

Let the lights shine!
Namaste Sonja

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mandala Workshop to surrender to the Divine

I’m inspired by the wonderful group of woman who attended the Mandala workshop. There was a lot of excited creativity and connectedness to each other and the divine. Thank you all for the peace, compassion, harmony and joy you brought into this circle!

In Sanskrit surrendering to God or the Divine means Ishvara Pranidhana and it is the last Niyama of the observances of the eight limbs of yoga Patanjali. It brings all the Yamas, the moral disciplines and restrictions and Niyamas together and into the light. To surrender means to love with devotion and to let go of ego driven activities, honoring the divine spirit within.

To truly understand my path of yoga and transformation is to find unity, truth and healing within. I start each day by getting up in gratitude, then reminding myself to practice the Yamas and Niyamas. I aspire to approach myself lovingly, at every moment. I try to accept, take responsibility for my actions, forgive and ask for forgiveness, then continue to serve and manifest. I approach my meditations with great energy, to surrender to the Divine within.

Our work begins by practicing the Yamas on and off the mat. They are broken down into five insightful understandings: Ahimsa - non harming and compassion for all living things, satya – commitment for truthfulness, astaya – non stealing, brahmacharya – moderation and sense control, aparigraha - non possessiveness. The Niyamas are the suggestions of how we treat ourselves and how we approach other people. They are saucha - purity, santosha – contentment, tapas – passion and zeal, svadhyaya – self study and then ishvara pranidhana – surrender and celebration of the spiritual. Bringing awareness to all these devotions, we are able to transform ourselves to positive human beings. We notice the spark and energy flow within and around us to also help other people to achieve a state of being with devotion to God, Buddha, Jesus, the divine spirit or nature itself.

If we practice surrendering to the divine, we will experience a transformation to peace, clarity, truth and true love.
Love Sonja

I feel my oneness with you, Father.

With your grace, o God, I perfect my body and mind,
that in their harmonious instrumentality,
I feel your presence within me. The glory of spirit abides within me.
Dear Lord, your energy charges my body and mind
and your spirit abides within my soul
I feel your glory registering your infinite immortality in my body,
mind and soul.
Paramhansa Yogananda

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Santosha - Contentment

The real meaning of santosha is to accept what is.

Here in the west we are faced everyday with material things. It creates desires, greed, jealousy, and unhappiness. We have a tendency to give in to cravings for material goods to fulfill our desires. There is fear among us that we are not good enough for each other and there is competition between people which limits the love to live in harmony.

How are we able to be truly happy and feeling content if we are suffering, in the mind and body? How is it possible to practice santosha if we are faced with challenges like abuse, illness or death?

Practicing contentment brings us in the very moment of our being. Feeling content in beautiful moments is easy and brings us closer to our own light. But we still struggle and face setbacks in moments of fear, hatred, jealousy, pain. If we start accepting life as it is and not comparing ourselves with others we can find inner peace and true happiness. Contentment comes from the inside out and not from the outside in. Being on the mat everyday helps me to practice awareness and find santosha. Knowing that just the way I am, being grateful, accepting me as whole, is enough. Seeing myself as a spiritual being and finding gratitude for my life, is enough. This does not mean that I don’t struggle and it is the practice which keeps me in the moment of my being. If I am grateful for each brief time period, I will be able to accept life as it is. I am giving grace for each moment even the one’s which seem impossible for me to withstand. It allows me to find and see the light inside myself as well as in others.

The greatest inner tranquility comes from developing love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being. Cultivating a close, warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts our mind at ease. It helps remove our own fears and insecurities and gives us strength to face obstacles - it is the ultimate source of success in life."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Thursday, April 15, 2010


“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look at the closed door, that we don’t see the one that has opened for us.”

Helen Keller

I love to listen to the sounds of birds in the morning…it is such a gentle and beautiful way to wake up. I go outside with bare feet and walk through the moist grass and am able to take in the beauty of this small portion of the world. Everything seems to be perfect, the sun is shining through the woods and is slightly caressing my shoulders, the flowers are opening their eyes, the leaves on the trees still have little droplets of water on them. I am able to close my eyes and sit still for a while…listening to the outside sounds and to my mind. Practicing Shaucha, purity of mind and body is once again my intention this week. Letting go of self criticism, fear, anger and judgment is my desire. To be able to heal, to be free and accept what is.

Teacher training is over and it is a good feeling. I will miss all the beautiful weekends with my friends. On this part of our path together we experienced a great transformation and a unity as a group. Though we are pulled in different directions and there is diversity among us, we have the same goal. We wish to see our light, our truth, the love, peace and wisdom within. As one door closes another will open. It is a new beginning and we have to take the knowledge and wisdom we have gained and impart it to those that will share our journey with us.

Love to all Sonja

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mandala Workshop to invoke the Power to heal

Today I am in deep gratitude for all the people from the Hawthorn Cancer Institute, who attended the Sacred Mandala workshop to invoke the power to heal. It was an adventure for most of them and they participated in their own willingness and abilities towards their healing. I felt the camaraderie between them and it created a special energy, an energy filled with love and compassion. They felt safe and content amongst each other. As we meditated everything fell in place, and if there were any doubts or fears, it was released. I felt the sadness though from two woman who needed surgery the next day. The closing meditation was very beautiful and we all were very connected to each other and the source.

I came up against my own fear, self consciousness and perfectionism just a few days before the workshop. This created low energy and stifled the flow of the preparation. I meditated to find light and truth and to receive a symbol to create a Mandala before the workshop. Then I got this bird with big wings, which was flying towards the light. At that moment my fear lifted and it was replaced by pure joy and love. Birds mean freedom for me, freedom to fly and be free. To be free from suffering and not being contained by illness, or sadness. I knew then again that it is my journey to dedicate my life to help others, to find their truth and light inside. To find their voice so they can feel safe on their own journey. So they will notice their own transformation and change of energy when they are ready.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mandala Workshop invoking your inner light

In preparation for my Mandala workshop to invoke the light I sat in silence for a long time and received this beautiful symbol.

There is so much radiant light coming from the inside! This Mandala represents the Koshas, which are our different layers of our bodies. Our physical body, the very outer layer, seems so big. Is it even possible that this light can get trough all those layers? Is it possible to send this light and love to the people we love? Why is it then that we hurt even the ones we say we love? Where is the light then?

As I ponder about those questions, I look at the Mandala and know we are all light beings and we are all connected with each other. The only separations are our minds, and it is not with our light that we hurt each other it is with our minds. We are holding on to unnecessary patterns which cause our sufferings. If we can let go of fear, hatred, jealousy, greed and competition then we will be able to focus more internally.

In this Mandala the largest outer layer represents the physical body. I think because most of us pay more attention to the very outer layer than to the rest of our body. It is what we see and what we know. With the practice of silence we learn to pay more attention to our next inner layer the energy body. We are able to listen more and bring more awareness to our being. The next layer our mental body provides us with is more awareness to our thoughts and emotions. In the next layer we are able to witness the transformation of the higher mind and develop understanding of wisdom and intuition. The bliss body, our most inner layer is true joy and peace. The light within is where we connect to our true source. It is this very light we are all longing for, which frees our minds from suffering.

The light and love during this Mandala workshop has truly been shining! I am in deep gratitude for all the participants for their light and peace.


"Loka samastah sukhino bhavantu."
May all beings discover peace, love, and true happiness.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task,

but it is my chief duty to accomlish small

tasks as if they were great and noble."

-Helen Keller-

Maintaining focus towards small acts of kindness and love towards others and myself attains clarity and cultivates patients, harmony and balance.

In a morning meditation, towards creating a Mandala, I received this turtle symbol. Turtles take their time to go from one destination to the other and have a calming, relaxing effect on others. They take their time and still reach their goals and end up where they need to be. In this moment of stillness I knew that I have to slow down, be more patient and take one step at the time. I know that, in this process I'll find the strength, power and joy to accomplish small tasks, returning to the love and kindness, also towards myself.

Peace and Light

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday February 15.

Explore daily the will of God.
C.G. Jung

My intention today is acceptance…..accepting what is, my life, my challenges and every moment. I feel freedom and peace growing inside, a positive gift for my spiritual growth.
Life embraced me with big arms as I came back from Mount Madonna. I started to approach everything with a different energy, more compassion and love. This inner light is always with me and I can always see it in everybody else. As I sat in the airports and waited for my plane, I observed a very high stress level in many people. So I just closed my eyes for a moment and send those people good energy.
Today I allow myself to stay in stillness a bit longer than usual even though I still have to prepare for my next yoga class. I recognize I always have a choice……a choice to accept or to suffer……

Tuesday February 16.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
-Thich Naht Hanh

Every day I get newly inspired by my students!

Being on the mat creating healing in the body and mind, finding a sacred place to be, to let go and just be. As we practice on the mat we dive deeper into our soul, finding oneness with what is. In the willingness to let go and releasing the chattering in the mind, doubts, fears and judgments, we learn to listen closely to our true inner voice, the voice of wisdom and truth.

The practice last night was so beautiful! Not because I was teaching and it had nothing to do with the sequence as well, no, it was purely the love and energy which was released by my students. The practice flowed and the whole room was glowing. They were radiating the heat and light, flowed easily from one pose to the other in alignment with mind, body and spirit. I’m very grateful for my students and their lights.

Peace Sonja

Monday, February 15, 2010

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

In the service of truly giving, is a selfless act without expectations of receiving something in return, it keeps us grounded and in the present moment. Also in this understanding I send out light, love and compassion to everybody in need.
As all my flights were canceled last week I ended up in Monterey, a beautiful small town in CA. It was a true gift to spend this day in stillness at the beach. As I listened to the sound of the ocean I found myself in a state of bliss. This silence in my mind was a real remedy of healing. Tears of gratitude for the beauty of this moment flowed effortlessly down my cheeks. I sat in stillness for a long time………….
Then I created this sand Mandala.
Love and Peace

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am very grateful for this day. A new beginning for Spiritual Flow Yoga.